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Thursday, May 5, 2011

End of the world?

I just had another dream that was more akin to a nightmare.

I was in my old house, the brown one I often dream of, that in of itself is weird. I never dream of being outside that house I am always INSIDE the house and the reason I am inside that house is usually for protection.

I am inside the house with a few people, and it is furnished and lit, and it seems as if we live there, I am not sure. There are several TVs going and it really doesn't seem like any other dream for a long time.

It is me, my mother, a I think my little nephew, a man with dark hair who I do not know. He seems to be sort of a scoundrel but he has a good heart and maybe is a bit of a coward. I think my sister is there. There might be more people but it gets kinda weird towards the end of the dream so the amount and just who is in the house changes. The only constant is me. There is also a dog, German Shepherd, I think.

OK so the dream starts out with all of us in my moms bedroom sitting on the bed. In this room there are two windows and a large bed sitting in the center of the room. There are clothes and blankets strewn all over the place and it makes it look sorta like a messy sleepover. The baby is on the bed playing and my sister is watching him. I'm not sure what my mom is doing. I am on the floor next to the dark haired guy and we are by the window. I have rain playing on some sorta device. I think what we are doing is watching TV and maybe talking. Whats on the TV is a sorta fantasy movie about a girl who is in a dark fantasy land where she meets all these people. I remember her, and a dark green fairy queen. She wore sorta Gothic-y witch-y green clothing. There was also a guy there with her I believe was sort of a trickster that was her partner through her wanderings.

After a while we've been talking and watching tv, I begin to notice that a lot of the thunder sounds are coming from outside so I take a peek behind the curtain. I look up at the sky and its dark with stars, but there is a single think dark red streak of clouds down the middle. I tell everyone and I'm so confused because I hear the rain but I don't see it. I tell my mom and I say look, I hear the rain but it's not happening outside. So my mom looks and then lightning starts arcing through the sky in huge streaks. She said get away from the window so I move back but she doesn't close the window fast enough and an arc comes through the window and strikes a phone next to the baby. My sister watches as he reaches out and touches the phone and gets electrocuted on this lightning which looks like a thick piece of glowing spaghetti. We watch as he falls into a box next to the bed and my mom goes to pick him up and he kinda starts acting weird. My mom says he's OK and he starts to slightly convulse and contort. After this we being to notice more weird things out of the window. I look up and I see not the earth but another planet with blue oceans and green land but it is not earth. By now I am terrified because the planet is very very close like, closer than any moon anyone has seen on earth. It was huge. It was kinda moving slowly like it was orbiting us. There was also more things in the sky that looked like other places, cloudy and in colors of sunrise and dawn but it did not seem welcoming at all.

After we all basically start panicking about all of this, someone (maybe me) goes into the living room. They point out that it is SNOWING in the front yard. I look out and half the window is covered in snow, the kind that looks like its been walked through. it's piled up against the windows and we can barely see out of the window. On the tv is that same strange show and it seems all the more sinister because of what is happening. We walk to the front door and open it, and we can see that it is snowing, but only on our front yard.

To the right of the yard where the huge tree is, it seems like the forest is dark and overgrown and there is a weird and eerie light like the afternoon sun shining on it. There are what appear to be fern wheels growing but they have not unfurled yet. In the sky in the middle there is more chaos that does not make sense. all around us there is the snow and the people go out to explore.

At this point other people start appearing in the dream. It is utter chaos outside, because it looks like other dimensions and worlds are colliding RIGHT HERE. And I get this distinct feeling of END OF DAYS I mean its echoing through my mind and my friend's mind, (Mainly the scoundrel) so I tell them to start trying to call people to tell them or to find out if it is happening around them. Everything around us was eerie and silent, beautiful and just frightening. There were weird things in the sky and things started appearing on land.

The German shepherd was the last one to leave the house and went back in when another wet dog appeared and went in the house with it. I remember walking back inside with those dogs and the German shepherd put its paws around one of my legs and growled, and wouldn't let me leave. I looked and I saw it was tangled up in some cord so I undid it and let it free. It still would not let me go, did not want me going outside. It stared at me and growled and the other dog did not want me going outside either.

Somehow I got free from it and I walked back outside to the left side of the house where a guy inside a groundhog or woodchuck or something similar suit appeared and began talking to I forget who. I remember telling people that the dogs were strange like they did not want me to leave the house and to stay indoors.

I felt like I should probably start regrouping people and I found the baby and made him go inside and I found some other random people I don't know and told them to also go in. I went back out to look for my sister, the scoundrel and my mom and I see this huge alien looking insect thing hanging from a tree and it looked kinda dead. I looked around and there were other insect things that were lying around. it looked like they crash landed somewhere by the house. I ignore it when suddenly the one in the tree came to life and slithered down and came after me. i think it was talking to me. I got to the house but just as it seemed like it was going to catch me the scoundrel turned up. I think he tried to protect me. It killed him but cutting him into pieces and then it wanted to come after me.

This is where someone else showed up and another person, I think maybe another baby. It was distracted by them and it was shooting a beam of light from its third eye and was going to kill me. This is where I noticed a mirror next to my foot by the door and used it to reflect the beam back into its face and I thought I killed it.

I told the other two to get into the house and I started to pull stuff from around the door and the outside, like clothing and things, and I was trying to close the door quickly because everyone outside was getting worse and worse. Heaven looked like it was falling down into the driveway and I saw a buffalo running down the dirt road towards the woods.

Just as I started to close the door the thing I had killed got up and shed its skin and because either two wolves, one wolf with 3 heads and a single, or one wolf with 4 heads, or just one wolf with 3 heads. I do remember the 3 heads distinctly but I do remember another head that may not have even had a body. The wolf looked like a regular wolf and was snarling at me with its 3-4 heads and I slammed the door shut. I came up against the window and pressed the black nose from its middle head against the window, and I suddenly had this feeling that no matter what it did, it would never ever ever get inside this house and hurt me.

This is when I got this distinct symbol of protection inside my head made of interlocking squares. its like a pattern of squares. One square with 4 squares on each corner of that square so on and so forth and in the middles that are created in the square on square pattern, there is a small circle or spot of intense power or energy that interlocks with the other dots that are in the other square on squares. The colors of this protection energy symbol barrier thing is a bright lemon lime spring beautiful green, like some earth goddess or goddess of plants and life or something made it. It is all inside and around this house. I saw it from above like someone beamed the information into my head.

I look outside the window again and I see worlds colliding outside, the snow, heaven, demons, all manner of creatures. I go back inside and tell everyone we should close the windows and block all of this out because we're going to be inside a very long time.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A world of dreams or a dream world?

I haven't posted on this blog in a while, but that does not mean I haven't had any interesting dreams. This post, however, isn't about any particular dream, but more about something that googling hasn't helped me with in the least (or maybe I just wanted to make a post about it and really I'm just being lazy).

So, for a long time, probably ever since I was a child, I've had reoccurring dreams. The only thing about these dreams is that they all take place inside their own world, or setting that is consistent from dream to dream. Sometimes even the people in the dreams are the same, and even some situations.

For example, say I dream about a lush tropical island with a few people that you can remember, at least their faces. We can have an adventure on this island, like a volcano will erupt or a storm will blow in. Maybe even vampires attack us, just whatever. I will have this dream again eight years later, but I will remember the entire dream and change it because I know what is going on and I want to change the outcome. Sometimes I will even try to tell the other people "hey you should probably move or you'll die".

I have these dream worlds or dream places that are so familiar to me that I can navigate in them, I even have favorite places that I used to wish that I would go when I went to sleep. One in particular is a place where a shallow looking river runs through this dark forest. Sometimes I walk alongside this river or I ride down it on a log or something. I have memories of this forest, how it looks when I look up to the sky and see the sun showing through the branches, and how thick, lush and uninhabited this place seems. The river twists and turns and has rapids and seems to go on forever.

Sometimes even these places are linked to each other, and I can sometimes go from one place to the next by following the path I took previously. There is a bridge in one dream that crosses over this huge body of water. I think it is either a bay or a large lake. This bridge takes me to a forest where there is a lake where there are a lot of abandoned houses and the land slopes down to the shores. Usually there are a lot of people playing in the lake, children and people in boats.

If I walk along one street it will take me to this one house that is just...creepy. It is old, and rotting with roots and tangled vines growing in and around it. I believe it is haunted. Anytime I visit this house I end up running from something and I have to escape from the top floor. It is not a good place to be. If I choose to walk down beside the lake, I can follow the edge of the lake and end up on a foot path that will lead to a couple of places; one of them being a sort of hilly clearing in the forest that I think has a couple of houses in it. One of them is up on a hill and is very nice. There is a small pond below it and ducks. Somewhere nearby is another smaller house. I think this one is empty. There is something about this house but I can't remember what it is at the moment.

In any case, it would be hard to remember this stuff if I had not dreamed about it several times. Each time I visit my places, I make concious decisions as to where I want to go and what I want to do.. But, not all of the places I dream about are non-existent. I dream a lot of my childhood houses. The first house is big, brown and located in the woods far away from people. I usually either end up staying inside, or wandering in the woods around the house. If I stay inside, there is usually a reason why, such as tornadoes or something that is after me. This isn't usually the case though. I'm usually outside and wandering around, sometimes as a wolf or as myself as I am in my dreams. The other house is located in a neighborhood and subject to different rules I suppose. I am hardly ever inside the house. I am usually outside and usually either trying to get home or I'm lost on one of the nearby streets trying to get back home. The neighborhood in my dreams is also consistent, with one of them ending up by a lake (there isn't one like that nearby). There is also usually a house right next to ours on a hill overlooking our yard. I think this house is abandoned but beautiful.

I have no idea what other people dream about, but I have a theme my dreams usually follow. Well, I say a theme but there are several themes. One is wandering or being lost. I'm trying to find my way home. I don't think I ever do find my way home. There is never really ever a sense of panic. Another theme is forest and water or both. Most of my dreams contain these two things. As for animals or symbols, I usually only see wolves, turtles, cats and fish. I never really have dreams that are well, meaningless, no dreams of going shopping or finding a million dollars. I've had dreams like that, but only when I was very little.

The only dreams I've had that are not reoccurring but I know mean something or are definite messages of some sort are the paranormal dreams. These dreams are usually something like me inside my house with something chasing me. Whatever is chasing me isn't visible nor is it anything like you would imagine or see in a movie. It's slamming doors, creaking walls, things flying off the wall at me. It's a sense of dread and panic as you are trying to get away from whatever this is, but knowing there is no where to hide because it can just come through the walls to you. It's hard to explain or even express house terrifying these dreams are. I've experienced very few paranormal things in my life, and I'm always a bit of a skeptic. These dreams usually come right after I have one of my sudden urges to see and hear or sense paranormal things (because I don' least I think I don't). It's like something is saying "Well, if you get what you ask for, can you handle this feeling or a situation like this?" and after that I say (and still say) no, even though I wish I were more sensitive, honestly I think I'm much better off the way I am.

It seems lately I've been dreaming of people that seem familiar but I've never met them before in this life. I feel comfortable and happy with them, as if I'm meeting them again after a long separation. These dreams are really the reason why I'm writing this whole blog post which looks like a bunch of ramblings by now.

I can have normal dream interpretations or I can have alternative explanation for this all. Really, I would like to know if anyone can relate to all this, and maybe even shed some insight on to why I have dreams that are like this.