- cats
- kittens
- a puppy
- cleaning up after puppy
- people I know
- people I don't know
- dogs
- bell peppers
- tomatoes
- my front yard
- my house
- street
- people mediating in a circle
- some exacting revenge on me
- animal abuse (implied)
- comforting people
- some empty house or warehouse
I have no idea where I actually start remembering my dream(s) from last night. I vaguely remember being in a room that is a combination of my childhood house and my current one, well my bedroom at least. I get a puppy, but I forget who gives it to me. I remember having to sorta hide it because my mom doesn't like animals in the house. I don't name the puppy but I say "my little boy" but I find out that it's a girl dog but I don't change what I say. (lol)
I spend some time in my bedroom calling to the puppy while trying to hide it at the same time, but it mainly stays under my bed so it isn't much of a problem. Eventually the puppy makes a mess after I wake up the next day and as I am cleaning it up, I think my mom walks in.
Someone else walks in and exacts revenge on me. I don't really feel like describing it, but it ended up not working. I'm not really sure why this person did this. Emotions that ensued: surprise, anxiety, sadness, feeling of betrayal, and then stubborn indifference.
Sometime later, I think I must have heard a sound of dogs barking outside. This usually means that they are trying to get at our cats so both my husband and I rush outside to protect them. What happens is a bunch of running around and trying to find the kittens they are trying to kill. Oddly enough the kittens are grown up cats in real life, but in my dream they are all kittens and hiding in the weird places the mother cat used to put them.
This is where I see weird things like kittens running out from under plants missing tails and another cat who appears mutilated giving birth to kittens that appear dead or like shiny round toys. This was actually a female cat we used to have but something killed her. She was ripped open and in pieces (so my nephew told me).
The kitten missing its tail kinda runs around sorta like it's drunk, but as I picked it up the tail grew back.
The tomatoes and bell peppers are things I fall into. For some reason in my dream my dad is growing these vegetables where you'd normally grown flowers; in some planters next to some steps leading up to our deck.
I'm not sure what happens first, but I do see people running on the street in front of our house in the middle of the night. I end up tracking some people down who I feel are doing things I don't agree with in a building somewhere. I've never been to this building in waking life or in dreams. I think what happens is this person I used to know disappeared and so I went to find him.
I ended up in this building where these people gathered from time to time, but I got the feeling they weren't very nice for the most part. I found a group of them meditating in a room with a person I've never seen before leading the meditation. He had somewhat long, wavy blond hair wearing loose fitting white clothing. When I walked over to them I felt as if these people were gathering together in secret and in protest; they didn't agree with what they others were doing. I felt that they were nervous to see me and I walked over to them. I must have appeared to be suspicious, dangerous or both; because they shifted a lot and the leader gave them a meaningful look and got up to meet me. This is where I stop in front of him as he stood up and I patted him on the head. I dunno.
The others come back and the person whom I was looking for also appears. He is upset and I go to comfort him and he tells me he was away because he was made to help his parents all day and couldn't come back (back to what I don't remember, but I think at the time I understood). I helped him do whatever it was he was doing, I think it was putting things up in a refrigerator, or organizing some plants on a counter top.
All in all just another set of weird dreams. I did enjoy the puppy bit, however.
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