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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Unfortunate (lengthy) first post.


I am pretty sure that I had some dreams last night. Normally I have no trouble recalling what I dreamed about but this time I had some problems sleeping.

Sometimes, something will wake me up in the middle of the night and I have problems falling back to sleep. I guess it doesn't help that I am a pretty light sleeper.

For me to actually sleep, I have to:
be cold, be entirely covered up, have some sort of noise in the background, be in an entirely dark room, everything that should have been done before laying down should be done (I can NOT go to sleep unless the kitchen is cleaned for the most part, unless I'm dead tired); pillows, sheets, and blankets must be in particular spots. I guess you could say I'm a fussy sleeper.

Now the noise I had for last night had been the History channel; my husband Scott and I were watching something about Jesse James and his buried treasure and we both just fell asleep. Normally I have an audio book playing but he really wanted to see what happened with the treasure. Cute. :)

I guess after that show there was something with loud noises and high pitches and it woke me up, which was the first time, but it didn't really bother me. I just changed the channel to something I figured wouldn't bother me as much, Animal Planet, and I turned the volume down as well; at least enough to where I can hear the fan pretty well. I went right back to sleep for the most part and then some weird noise woke me up around 3:26 am.

OK, I have no idea why but this noise made me really nervous. I've had weird things happen in this house, and I've had a few weird things wake me up.

For example: (mini story incoming)

After going to sleep one night to the sounds of a rain forest CD, I woke up to a man talking in the room. I have no idea why I woke up. I remember the time was about 5 am, because I looked at the clock when my eyes opened.

At first I wasn't really bothered by hearing a man because normally, like I've mentioned before, I have an audio book playing, but usually from the computer right next to the CD player, but I did have part of an audio book in the CD player as it can hold 6 discs.

I was actually kind of annoyed because I had the rain forest CD on repeat so it would just play over and over again, but then I was hearing the man talking and I thought "ugh, something must have gone wrong and it went to the next disc, so now I'm going to have to get up and fix it". I was about to get up when I realized that the man was talking over the rain forest CD, which was still quite happily playing rain and jungle sounds at me.

I can't really remember anything that he said, all I can remember was that his voice was very gentle and calm sounding, and it sounded just like someone standing in the room talking. The last word I do remember him say was "tenderness".

He didn't talk very long, I'd say maybe 3-4 sentences at most. I didn't feel threatened or anything, just spooked. For good measure, I checked to see if the radio had been playing, or my computer magically loaded an audio book on its own. Nothing of the sort had happened.

Other examples include hearing my mothers voice call my name and I go to see what she wants and she's not even home. One time that happened and I realized this, and like less than 5 mins later my parents arrived home.

Now back to last night. Normally stuff like that doesn't really bother me. But the noise just made me very uneasy. I just felt like something was in the room, plain and simple. I'd have to say that as far as psychic and mediumistic abilities go, I'm pretty much as dense as a brick. I'm guessing that's why last night bothered me so much because for once I could feel something. I'm not easily spooked as well, and I don't think that every little noise I hear is something. After feeling that though, I tried to get my husband to come closer to me but he was being difficult so I just rolled up into a cocoon in my blankets. I kept feeling that feeling and now everything I was hearing was making me nervous so finally I got up and turned on an audio book and made sure all the lights were covered up and turned off the TV. Oddly enough, the complete darkness makes me feel secure.

I realized that because of all this I forgot whatever dreams I had been having and I even overslept. ; ; All I get to do now is write this ridiculously long post and try again tonight.


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