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Thursday, February 11, 2010

Traveling and Lost

I started off the dream in a room with my husband and his family (mainly his little brother) and we were taking turns playing a game that had magic and other things in it.

Later on I end up taking a trip to a store and for some reason I just happened to have a magic wand. I met a group of people there and I conjured food for them. The store owners weren't pleased so I said let's move somewhere else.

We moved and I conjured more food and ice cream for them. Finally it was time to go home and we took a school bus. The bus dropped me off somewhere in my neighborhood. This is where my usual problem of finding my way home reared it's head.

I went from house to house heading in (what I thought) was an eastern direction. Everyone was eating the same things and no one seemed to mind that I was barging into their houses. No one spoke English.

At one point, which I feel is worth mentioning, I got to swing around in a small bamboo forest. It was very fun.

I had a small hand held device that showed me that the entire time I thought I was going east (towards my house) I was actually going some other direction.

I never made it home, but at least this time I wasn't anxious or afraid.

Today's movie like dream

This dream starts off as some sorta chick flick for lack of a better description. I think there are about 4-5 females who are both women and birds. Maybe they were represented as both but at this point I can't really remember that part very well. All I know is that they spent a lot of time together doing funny things, especially as birds, both growing together; laughing, love, crying, all that jazz so to speak.

Now the next part was like the ugly part 2 of a movie that really should have never been made, and no credits rolled between the two "movies". In this part only one of the birds is shown, and the perspectives are skewed between first and third person (as a lot of dreams are, aren't they?).

This starts off with one of the girls (me) living in a house that I am familliar with and not familiar with, basically a mesh of my first old house and somewhere else I've never been. I think she (I) lives with another person, maybe two females, but they do and don't feel like they are related, so maybe they are roommates. From here on out I'm referring to her in the 3rd person.

She lives a regular quiet life with work, her hobbies, chatting on the internet and browsing for new music and whatnot.

Then two men appear. I don't really remember where they came from. I do know that one of them was (or had been) an artist that made beautiful prints of animals (mainly foxes) in black in white with backgrounds of flowing vines or forest. These other man of the pair is what I could call evil. The other one was just being led around and did whatever he was told. I guess he was unhappy with his life and sought another one with this evil man.

The two men harassed and attacked the young woman in her own home. I got the feeling that there was nothing she could so about them being there; someone had let them in and that someone wasn't there (anymore?). They started by taking away all her things. The evil man did not like the fact that she had choices or hobbies or that she talked to people on her computer or played games. He became possessive of her and took all her things when she wasn't around and burned them. Then he told her about it, waited til she got angry and then beat her. She found out that the other man was an artist and asked him how someone like him could do such a thing to her and do what this other man said when he had made such beautiful art. I don't think she got a reply.

The two men followed her around constantly and wouldn't leave her alone. She tried to lock herself in her room but the evil man ripped the door from the wall. I remember someone telling him he shouldn't do that or the owners of the house would get angry and find out what they were doing to the girl. The girl fought them off the best she could, especially when they eventually kept trying to rape her. They never did, but they did beat her and terrorize her even  more.

In the end she thought she had given them the slip. They weren't around for some reason, probably part of the dream I forgot. She felt relief and was in her house looking out of the window. Outside it was a normal sunny day, all the houses around where she lived were quiet and peaceful. I think she thought she had locked them outside or gotten rid of them. Then she noticed something was wrong in her room, I think maybe something was missing.

The girl ran at an amazing speed to where she thought the problem was or where she thought she was going to be safe and as she was about to run through a doorway the other man caught her and pinned her down and the evil man stepped out from the shadows.

The evil man laughed and straddled her and in his hand was a something like a small surgical knife. He asked her "What date do you wanted carved into you today?" and then the whole dream sort of panned out to where a lot of police officers were watching as the guy started to carve all kinds of deep cuts into her flesh as she screamed. It became more and more violent and even the police were having trouble watching what he did to her.

She died of course.

After that they somehow never caught the two guys. What happened was they had disguised themselves as police to escape detection and had actually helped with the investigation. At the end the two of them were standing in the backyard laughing about the whole thing because it had been very easy to get away. The evil man was dressed as a detective while the other was disguised as a woman. The other man said that it had been fun and he was going to leave now but the evil man killed him but somehow doing it with telepathic powers of some sort. Either way, the other man melted and died; disappeared.

The epilogue is that the girl is in the backyard, reincarnated as another girl. She is squatting by a pond with fish inside it and autumn leaves are falling in as well as various insects. A fish comes up to eat one and she catches another fly to throw in and it doesn't land where she thought it would. Soon a family of cats come up next to her and she recognizes them as the women she had known (the birds) and apologized to them for what had happened (apparently to all of them, the mother cat and her kittens were the reincarnation of her friends I guess). She said this time they would live a happier life.

That's the end. All on 2 hours of sleep.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Babies, theft and annoying people

Ohhh, a weird dream.

Dreamed about trying to feed a baby through all sorts of conditions. The baby varied in size from a regular baby to an action figure. Tried to feed it outside, in the mud, in a pond, while people were trying to steal the baby, as a peasant, in a house, while people were looking, while people weren't looking, at night, during the day, etc etc.
I think the whole point was that I never actually could feed the baby. The messed up part  was that when I actually did get to where I could feed the baby, a weird sound woke me up. Twice. The sound of a something like a baby cry in my room (well it wasn't unlike a baby's cry). Normally this would freak me out but I was very determined not to wake up and roll around fruitlessly in my bed again for hours.

For the last part of the dream I had a lot of stuff stolen from me by some sort of thing. This thing was a small human that lived in the back yard of someone's house and I don't know these people. We later made him 'fess up and he put everything on a table. I got back some of what was stolen except some games that had also gone missing. Apparently some sort of little monkey type thing said she had because her master told her to. So a friend of mine said he would give her his special chocolate on a rope if she told us where she put them. She agreed and she started to give hints where she hid them (all over the house in various rooms). Then more people came over and my mom said to stop looking for stuff when the hosts were welcoming new people. These people annoyed me. We slept in a room in the back of the house and they said "oh they are giving up and leaving so we can have these nice beds now". I never got to look for the games and my mom said we were leaving that night.

Then I woke up.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Monday morning and a short post

Just had a little dream about walking around outside with my husband and seeing deer, bears, and friendly wolverines with white fur on their backs. For some reason I had put my hair clips on the barbed wire fence and I was trying to get them back. This wolverine felt that it was his duty to walk along beside us, so we couldn't get to the clips quickly. He never tried to bite or anything. He just seemed friendly and curious. By the way, the view on the other side of the fence was magical. I wanted to climb over the fence really bad but Scott said we shouldn't because that is trespassing. Little did he know that it was just a dream and you can do whatever you want! Ugh, I should really work on my lucid dreaming for stuff like this.

Then dreamed about being in a classroom and feeling really off, like my head was fuzzy. We had to do a sheet of problems and I couldn't figure out how to do them at all since it seemed like it was in the form of an IQ test with a bunch of left brained crap. I'm terrible with numbers and math; I have no patience for them. I think I loathe them.

Most Religions

= hate.

I can't wait til we can move further away from people than we are now. I wish I could dream of that.
I didn't write any this weekend because it's impossible to get anything done with my husband home all the time and it's just a big hassle to get my alone time. (He won't be in a different room from me EVER.) It's cute, but for things that require 100% of my attention, it doesn't help much.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Spectacular white bathroom and destroying a laptop

  • color white
  • my sister
  • cats
  • painting
  • travel
  • my mom
  • cleaning supplies
  • living stuffed animals
  • van
  • laptop
  • restaurant
  • kitchen
  • bathroom
  • hotub
  • my husband
  • anger
  • sadness

The first part of the dream consisted of me actually working out how to paint different pictures and what techniques I should use. Pretty boring since that is all I was doing. I actually woke up after this part and thought 'well, that will be easy to remember'.

Second part, probably after I went back to sleep was about my laptop and me. I don't really remember where I was, it seems like I might have  been in college or going to meetings somewhere with tables and chairs. The only thing that really happened was that someone or something made me really angry and I destroyed my laptop.

I had just recently gotten one, I don't really remember much of this part, I just know it was very new and I was very happy with it (probably mirrors my waking feelings). I was doing some sort of test and part of the test was either I had to type something or plug in a keyboard. Yes, I know laptops have built in keyboards. I am typing on one now, but in my dream my laptop was more like a very small PC.

Anyway, all the other people around me had theirs all plugged in and I realized I couldn't find my regular keyboard. I looked all through the backpack that I wore to keep all my laptop things and I found a bunch of old keyboards and was about to give up when I found the only other USB keyboard we have (which we do, the one I was looking for is broken in real life, and the one I found we use on the PC). By the time I got back to my "laptop" I probably only had a few seconds left to plug in my keyboard. I couldn't fit it into the little USB port and time was up. I lost out on something because of something so stupid.

Cue the roiling anger and fireworks. I destroyed the laptop, cracking the screen and stepping on the keyboard. I was fully aware that I had just gotten this and it had cost quite a bit to get it. I didn't care. I wanted to destroy something. In the same vein of my usual (and not quite straight) thinking, I felt better destroying something I valued.

A little while later after I had calmed down, I felt bad about what I did and went back to my husband and told him what I did. For some reason by this time, the laptop had already been sent off to be examined. He told me what they were doing and how much they were going to charge to return the laptop back to me in one piece with all the information and files I had moved onto it. It was more than twice the cost of the laptop brand new! He said he opted to just rebuild another one for me and ordered it. I remember being upset because I hadn't been part of the building so I had no idea what he did. He said he made it exactly like the other one and I thought to myself that I would have liked to tweak a few things.

Yes. It's my inner brat!

Next part of my dream I was traveling with my family, the only people I can confirm that were there for sure was my mom and my youngest older sister (if I mention a sister in my dreams it will probably be her). I have no idea where we were going, but we had a lot of stuff and all my cats were with us. I don't think there is hardly a dream that I have where there ISN'T a cat.

As usual, I only remember a bit of this dream. We arrived at a place I used to play at as a child. This place still exists in real life and I actually kind of miss it. It's out in the country with cows and horses; pastures and trees.  I think we needed to stop for supplies and use the restroom, or at least my sister and I did. We don't speak to these people anymore, so I was just kinda standing around waiting for someone to tell me where we had permission to go when my sister said 'hey we can go in here'.

Here was a sort of apartment the people built there for their daughter to live. It was in the back of a workshop and it ran the entire back length of the building. I had a friend that had lived there and I remember both how it looked before it was an apartment and afterward. I think I was always fascinated with it.

I wasn't sure we should be going into this apartment as I remember people lived there, but when I stepped inside I was shocked. The entire apartment was changed. Gone was the carpet and furniture and pretty much everything that had made it look like an apartment. The entire thing was redone in pure white. Pure white tiles on the walls and the floors, the ceilings and windows and the mini kitchen were done in white. Everything was pristine and pure and shining. The most amazing thing was the biggest hot tub thing in the very center of the main room. It was so deep that even though the most bottom part was filled with water, my sister was completely submerged pulling a plug to empty the rest of the water out. (I have no idea why she did this. When she did this all I could think was "Great now she's soaking wet").  I actually told her how shocked I was at the entire place.

This place eventually morphed into the kitchen from my old house. We ended up finding a toilet in the adjoining room, so the layout was basically the old kitchen. I think by the time I found the toilet she had already used it. At some point between then and when I needed to go, we had to fend off a very annoying living stuffed animal that kept bothering us. I think she ended up putting it outside through the backdoor.

My mom came in and started fussing about the place not being spotless or something equally silly. She said she wanted to leave soon and she had all sorts of cleaning supplies with her and asked us to hurry and finish up so we could leave.

We both left, and we ended up walking down wooden steps towards the back of a white van, and I could see all kinds of cats wandering around outside. I only thought of how long it would take to round them up because I guess they let them out to do their cat business.

I don't remember anything else, I think I woke up.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Old Apartment, playing guitar and the half garden

Last nights dream was more epic.
  • apartment
  • cats
  • rabbits
  • wolves
  • guitar
  • people I don't know
  • golf cart

First thing I remember was someone (I think my husband) asking me if I remembered my old apartment and if I would like to visit it. Oddly enough, I do remember this apartment, one I had in a previous dream. It was small, cramped and had no windows, sort of like an attic space. I have no idea how long it has been since I had a dream about that apartment. When I remembered it I went "Ahhhh!" inside my head (in my dream) and I remembered what had happened and why I did not live there anymore. The reason why the apartment was brought up was because whoever had mentioned it to me in the first place also said that my dad was still paying for it and visited the website where the apartments still remained. The last time I had been there I had still been into sticker collecting and that was something I had left inside it. I was curious to go back and see this long forgotten place, somewhere I had left a LOT of things from my past; things I had forgotten about.

I remember arriving at a building complex. I'm not sure if it was apartments or some other sort of building. I arrived with another person, maybe 2 more but I can't remember who they were. We were lost because it was night and could only wander around by security lights. We ended up wandering around until we saw someone going where I could only assume was my old apartment.

When I got inside I suddenly remembered what happened. When I had lived there, I had lived on my own while my husband (I think) lived somewhere else for work. I had a room mate, a quiet guy who for some weird reason was still living there by himself. The room looked exactly as I had left it, or what I had left behind anyway. -note- Unless you've had a dream where you've revisited a place like this before, you wouldn't really understand how it all felt. - I had drawings tacked all over the walls, things were still under the bed, and I think there was a closet that was still full of things I didn't take with me. The reason why I had left in the first place was because I couldn't stay there on my own. The place had been haunted or I had been haunted, in any case, I was uncomfortable there. All of this had happened years ago and it was amazing that the place still existed.

I think after I looked around I talked to the guy that still lived there and I think he just said he had stayed (for what reason I don't know).

After this bit it gets a little jumbled. Later on I was in another place, maybe a this house or a house I've been to, and I had a guitar. In real life, I have no idea how to play the guitar, so in my dream I was surprised to find out that I could play quite effortlessly. I've had dreams like this, where I can play an instrument or sing with no prior knowledge of the instrument or the song I'm singing. Usually I enjoy myself a lot, and in this dream, this was no exception. I played the guitar for a certain group of people outdoors near the edge of a forest and as evening came they had to leave. One by one they turned into wolves and disappeared into the forest. The distinct feeling I got from this was that I really wanted to join them, and I was jealous. Something stopped me from going with them, but I'm not sure what. -note- The guitar melody I kept playing was on an acoustic guitar and was in a picked style, sort of like folk guitar or Spanish flamenco style. It was very beautiful but something like a god told me I was playing it too fast. (lol).

Another thing I saw was a garden grown by someone I either did or did not know. She seemed familiar, but I don't remember her. I was chasing a cat that turned into a rabbit into a garden and it was going after some vegetables. The garden was very odd. The carrots, which grew around the bottoms of some taller plants, looked already peeled, as were the potatoes, which I saw somewhere else. When I looked at the taller plants, they had small tomatoes, peppers and other things, but all of them were cut in half. I asked her why all her vegetables and what not were in pieces and she told me she was growing them for their seeds. Weird. I guess it was just half a garden.

I had to get a golf cart fixed because sometime in my dream (part that I forgot) I was on some sort of wild adventure and one of my friends broke a golf cart. The person I was working for said that I had to go with him to get it fixed because it was my responsibility to at least accompany him. All the parts where I go with him and it gets fixed is blurry or didn't happen, because the only part I remember next is getting the bill for the repair and paying for it. The lady at the front desk that took care of the paperwork was blond with glasses and seemed unfriendly. She told me what the total amount was. I think it was 700 but it morphed again on paper after I looked at the bill. I was surprised at the low amount and questioned her as to why it was so cheap. She said that my boss, Mr. Alan, got a special discount and I looked to see how much. The total amount with each part added ended up being closer to 5k. Below all that was a few deductions with the name Mr. Alan next to it. After I looked it all over, she took the money I had as well as the bill. This is where it gets kinda weird. She took the bill and fed the entire thing, clipboard and all into a paper shredder that she could hold up in the air. She also fed her fingers into the paper shredder but it didn't hurt her. She seemed very amused by the entire business and was giggling to herself as she shredded the bill and clipboard. After she was done, she was a lot nicer to me and I think she said good bye and I left. (I guess).

There was also something of a romance between a maid and an older limo driver, but I can't remember much of that so I can't really write about it. I do know the entire thing was as detailed and as paced as a movie. Ever had a dream that seemed like it was movie? I usually remember those a lot better, but my husband woke me up by bumping around the room in the dark so I probably forgot all of it. The only reason why I remembered all the other stuff is because if I wake up before I'm supposed to, I take like 5-10 minutes to memorize whatever parts of my dreams I can remember (I fully intended to go back to sleep, but that didn't happen, meh).

I think I'll try to sleep some more, I feel weird.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Nothing special. Just a lot of random stuff. Mostly things like riding bicycles and Valentine's Day chocolates.

Actually, heh, I didn't write about my dream as soon as I woke up, so I forgot a lot of it already.

I wish people would stop waking me up. I get a broken 8 hours of sleep and every time something wakes me up I forget everything I just dreamed.

Last thing I dreamed I was in a math class room, I think Geometry. The teacher was actually my Geometry teacher from high school with her poofy curly hair, over-weight body and too much make-up. Yes, that's right. I didn't like her.

She was trying to teach something but I refused to learn on the basis that I couldn't care less about math and its many branches and she could shut up. She made us take a pop quiz on some stuff and I think I answered all but one, which I think made her smirk. After that, she passed out heart shaped cookie chocolate things, and I picked one and passed the rest down my column of desks. When I left the classroom I found out that I had two cookie things instead of one. Someone had just given me one when they didn't want it I guess.

Then I woke up! So yeah, nothing special.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Big Black Dog

Bunches of stuff happened that woke me up. Husband forgot his work phone and it started to ring over and over and over and over. I waited for him to come home to get it because I really thought he might have been calling his own phone from work, but apparently that is just how the people that use his company call them. Like idiots. Yeah.

Anyway, after all that, I tried to go back to sleep, but my mom decided to wake me up again, so any dreams I might have remembered just went poof.

The only things I can remember from the other dreams were:

  • my sister
  • other people
  • weird food
  • raking leaves
  • a bench
  • a phone (I wonder why -.-)
  • cars
  • an ex-friend that kept showing up in a car and then leaving in another...
  • fighting with my sister
  • someone's parent's embarrassing him

That's just random stuff I can remember from the dreams that I forgot.

But there was one other thing that woke me up that I do remember. It's very short but it seems like it means more than the others. I dreamed I was sleeping in my bed and I woke up and I see this big black anime head poke its head in. I suddenly became afraid because for some reason I thought it would be a like a big cat but it wasn't. It was a huge black dog. It stalked in and walked from the door all around to the bed to the side where I was and climbed onto the bedside table.I thought it was coming after me. I think I screamed (in my dream) and I woke up and my heart was pounding and I was shaking a little bit.

This is very odd for me because I never have nightmares. The only time I have ever had nightmares was when I was reading too much about paranormal stuff. Weird things would start to happen and I had nightmares. One would think I had nightmares because I was reading all that stuff, but I don't really get nervous or scared reading anything like that, or at least I didn't. Sometimes when I read things now, I can feel something in the room, but it's nothing to be afraid of the dark about. Sometimes I feel stuff in the room for no reason whatsoever.

Looks like most dream interpretations don't seem to fit in what I think the dream means. I have my own intuition about stuff like this. Oh well.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Another weird dream

Last nights dream was kinda disturbing.

I think I forgot most of the dream due to being jerked out of sleep by someone wrenching open my door.

The only part I can remember now is arriving at my old house (not this one) with Scott and finding some old woman lived there. There were also a lot of other people. The only woman put everyone else inside a closet for different reasons depending on who they were.

Good people (I think like children and the people who were called unicorns...) were just placed in there until a certain time when she would release them to be free under the condition that they completely left the area.

The other people, I'm assuming bad or otherwise, were supposed to die down there. I think they were represented by cats.

This dream is sorta like the movie "The People Under the Stairs". I didn't really know what was going on with these people. The area where they were supposed to be was a tiny closet that had been under the stairs. In my dream I would walk past it and I would only see a large, empty, tiled closet. It actually looked like a pale yellow shower but not. Idunno.

The old woman herself was very eccentric but I didn't get a bad feeling off her. She wasn't really the wicked witch type; but keeping people in a closet makes you wonder.

I think the dream really started to kick off when I was sent to put something upstairs in the attic. As I climbed the stairs I could hear things like crying, screaming, whimpering; just plain sounds of horror and suffering. I tried to ignore this and finished up my business and quickly made my way back down the steps. With each step the cries could still be heard, and only after I stepped off the steps did the cries cease.

Later on the old woman just opened up the closet door and said it was time to let the good ones out. One of the children that left the closet was a boy about the age of 11 or 12. He seemed very familiar and I might have met him somewhere in the dream, maybe even before he was placed in the closet.

I think he may have asked me how I was doing, and he might have been a little sarcastic. One thing I do remember him saying was something to the effect of "Once you've been down there for a long time, the things that you have to deal with out here [not in the closet] seem like nothing."

He and a couple of others left but a few more were just sitting the in closet, either waiting to be called out or for some other reason; they just didn't leave. I got a bad feeling about this.

Suddenly, all the ones that she had been letting out burst from the closet and then a huge whirring sound could be heard. Someone said that the others had escaped, the bad ones. They had somehow broken out from somewhere in the attic and come out of a window and off the roof. But no, they didn't just run away. They started to come back into the house and broke windows to get in. They looked like a lot of angry cats and sometimes also appeared as people.

In this confusion I knew they were out to kill the old woman for imprisoning them inside the closet and so I told my husband that we had to leave right away. So we were gathering up our things, which for some reason included some important documents, folders, papers and a laptop. All of this was heavy and I couldn't carry it all so I told him to get the rest and to get to the jeep.

I ran outside to the car and a lot of these people followed me. I opened up the front or side door and people were jumping inside or trying to prevent me from getting inside. I finally punched and kicked my way into the seat and tried to shut the door and lock it. By this time, the jeep had morphed into a helicopter. I have no idea where Scott is at this time, and I've already figured they would burn the old woman alive.

Unfortunately, I didn't stay asleep long enough to finish the dream so I have no idea if Scott made it out alive or not, or whether we managed to escape or not.