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Thursday, February 4, 2010

Old Apartment, playing guitar and the half garden

Last nights dream was more epic.
  • apartment
  • cats
  • rabbits
  • wolves
  • guitar
  • people I don't know
  • golf cart

First thing I remember was someone (I think my husband) asking me if I remembered my old apartment and if I would like to visit it. Oddly enough, I do remember this apartment, one I had in a previous dream. It was small, cramped and had no windows, sort of like an attic space. I have no idea how long it has been since I had a dream about that apartment. When I remembered it I went "Ahhhh!" inside my head (in my dream) and I remembered what had happened and why I did not live there anymore. The reason why the apartment was brought up was because whoever had mentioned it to me in the first place also said that my dad was still paying for it and visited the website where the apartments still remained. The last time I had been there I had still been into sticker collecting and that was something I had left inside it. I was curious to go back and see this long forgotten place, somewhere I had left a LOT of things from my past; things I had forgotten about.

I remember arriving at a building complex. I'm not sure if it was apartments or some other sort of building. I arrived with another person, maybe 2 more but I can't remember who they were. We were lost because it was night and could only wander around by security lights. We ended up wandering around until we saw someone going where I could only assume was my old apartment.

When I got inside I suddenly remembered what happened. When I had lived there, I had lived on my own while my husband (I think) lived somewhere else for work. I had a room mate, a quiet guy who for some weird reason was still living there by himself. The room looked exactly as I had left it, or what I had left behind anyway. -note- Unless you've had a dream where you've revisited a place like this before, you wouldn't really understand how it all felt. - I had drawings tacked all over the walls, things were still under the bed, and I think there was a closet that was still full of things I didn't take with me. The reason why I had left in the first place was because I couldn't stay there on my own. The place had been haunted or I had been haunted, in any case, I was uncomfortable there. All of this had happened years ago and it was amazing that the place still existed.

I think after I looked around I talked to the guy that still lived there and I think he just said he had stayed (for what reason I don't know).

After this bit it gets a little jumbled. Later on I was in another place, maybe a this house or a house I've been to, and I had a guitar. In real life, I have no idea how to play the guitar, so in my dream I was surprised to find out that I could play quite effortlessly. I've had dreams like this, where I can play an instrument or sing with no prior knowledge of the instrument or the song I'm singing. Usually I enjoy myself a lot, and in this dream, this was no exception. I played the guitar for a certain group of people outdoors near the edge of a forest and as evening came they had to leave. One by one they turned into wolves and disappeared into the forest. The distinct feeling I got from this was that I really wanted to join them, and I was jealous. Something stopped me from going with them, but I'm not sure what. -note- The guitar melody I kept playing was on an acoustic guitar and was in a picked style, sort of like folk guitar or Spanish flamenco style. It was very beautiful but something like a god told me I was playing it too fast. (lol).

Another thing I saw was a garden grown by someone I either did or did not know. She seemed familiar, but I don't remember her. I was chasing a cat that turned into a rabbit into a garden and it was going after some vegetables. The garden was very odd. The carrots, which grew around the bottoms of some taller plants, looked already peeled, as were the potatoes, which I saw somewhere else. When I looked at the taller plants, they had small tomatoes, peppers and other things, but all of them were cut in half. I asked her why all her vegetables and what not were in pieces and she told me she was growing them for their seeds. Weird. I guess it was just half a garden.

I had to get a golf cart fixed because sometime in my dream (part that I forgot) I was on some sort of wild adventure and one of my friends broke a golf cart. The person I was working for said that I had to go with him to get it fixed because it was my responsibility to at least accompany him. All the parts where I go with him and it gets fixed is blurry or didn't happen, because the only part I remember next is getting the bill for the repair and paying for it. The lady at the front desk that took care of the paperwork was blond with glasses and seemed unfriendly. She told me what the total amount was. I think it was 700 but it morphed again on paper after I looked at the bill. I was surprised at the low amount and questioned her as to why it was so cheap. She said that my boss, Mr. Alan, got a special discount and I looked to see how much. The total amount with each part added ended up being closer to 5k. Below all that was a few deductions with the name Mr. Alan next to it. After I looked it all over, she took the money I had as well as the bill. This is where it gets kinda weird. She took the bill and fed the entire thing, clipboard and all into a paper shredder that she could hold up in the air. She also fed her fingers into the paper shredder but it didn't hurt her. She seemed very amused by the entire business and was giggling to herself as she shredded the bill and clipboard. After she was done, she was a lot nicer to me and I think she said good bye and I left. (I guess).

There was also something of a romance between a maid and an older limo driver, but I can't remember much of that so I can't really write about it. I do know the entire thing was as detailed and as paced as a movie. Ever had a dream that seemed like it was movie? I usually remember those a lot better, but my husband woke me up by bumping around the room in the dark so I probably forgot all of it. The only reason why I remembered all the other stuff is because if I wake up before I'm supposed to, I take like 5-10 minutes to memorize whatever parts of my dreams I can remember (I fully intended to go back to sleep, but that didn't happen, meh).

I think I'll try to sleep some more, I feel weird.


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