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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Big Black Dog

Bunches of stuff happened that woke me up. Husband forgot his work phone and it started to ring over and over and over and over. I waited for him to come home to get it because I really thought he might have been calling his own phone from work, but apparently that is just how the people that use his company call them. Like idiots. Yeah.

Anyway, after all that, I tried to go back to sleep, but my mom decided to wake me up again, so any dreams I might have remembered just went poof.

The only things I can remember from the other dreams were:

  • my sister
  • other people
  • weird food
  • raking leaves
  • a bench
  • a phone (I wonder why -.-)
  • cars
  • an ex-friend that kept showing up in a car and then leaving in another...
  • fighting with my sister
  • someone's parent's embarrassing him

That's just random stuff I can remember from the dreams that I forgot.

But there was one other thing that woke me up that I do remember. It's very short but it seems like it means more than the others. I dreamed I was sleeping in my bed and I woke up and I see this big black anime head poke its head in. I suddenly became afraid because for some reason I thought it would be a like a big cat but it wasn't. It was a huge black dog. It stalked in and walked from the door all around to the bed to the side where I was and climbed onto the bedside table.I thought it was coming after me. I think I screamed (in my dream) and I woke up and my heart was pounding and I was shaking a little bit.

This is very odd for me because I never have nightmares. The only time I have ever had nightmares was when I was reading too much about paranormal stuff. Weird things would start to happen and I had nightmares. One would think I had nightmares because I was reading all that stuff, but I don't really get nervous or scared reading anything like that, or at least I didn't. Sometimes when I read things now, I can feel something in the room, but it's nothing to be afraid of the dark about. Sometimes I feel stuff in the room for no reason whatsoever.

Looks like most dream interpretations don't seem to fit in what I think the dream means. I have my own intuition about stuff like this. Oh well.


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